Wallingford: Triangle, 1992- Standort ÖNB 1425535-B.Neu-Per (1.1992-) Online-Zugriff http://ezb.uni-regensburg.de/detail.phtml?bibid=ONB&jour_id=15336 http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rwhr20 Aufsätze/Artikel AutorIn Datierung Nr Seiten "What's the Use of Books?" : Knowledge, Authenticity and "A Young Girl's Diary" Swindells, Julia 1996 1 55-66 Ambiguities of Emancipation : Women and the Ethnic Question in Hungary Kovács, Maria M. 1996 4 487-495 Borders, Boundaries, and the Necessity of Reflexivity : International Women Activists, Rosika Schwimmer (1877–1948), and the Shadow Narrative McFadden, Margaret H. 2011 4 533-542 Out of her time? : Rosika Schwimmer's transnational activism after the First World War Wernitznig, Dagmar 2017 2 262-279