Ausgewählte Publikationen von Katja Mihurko Poniž

Namen und Abkürzungen
Poniž Mihurko, Katja
Kveder, Zofka (1878-1926) - In: A biographical dictionary of women's movements and feminisms : Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe, 19th and 20th centuries - Budapest [u.a.]: CEU Press, 2006, 282-285
“My spirit is reaching to you with sympathy” : Zofka Kveder’s Correspondence as a Matrix of the Feminist Social Network of the Early Twentieth Century - In: Women, nationalism, and social networks in the Habsburg monarchy, 1848-1918 - West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press, 2023, 2023, 197-221
ÖNB 2249389-B.Neu
Nation and gender in the writings of Slovene women writers, 1848-1918 : natural equality in the work of the Russian sentimentalist woman writer Mariia Bolotnikova - In: Aspasia, Jg. 2 (2008), 28-43
ÖNB 1879653-C.Neu-Per
Praga je krasna ponoči, kadar sije mesec : podoba sprehajalke v literarnih delih in pismih Zofke Kveder - In: Frauen.Männer : Universitäten - Univerze - Università ; Klagenfurt, Koper, Ljubljana, Maribor, Trieste, Udine - Klagenfurt / Celovec: Drava-Verl. , 2007, 43 -
ÖNB 1833356-B.Neu
Zofka Kveder in revija Slovenka - In: Slovenka : prvi ženski časopis (1897-1902) - Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2018, 2018, 39-51
ÖNB 2153221-C.Neu